James Reddick

This is the story of a man named James, who arrived in London from the wild west, or at least somewhere near Bristol.  He was probably not the biggest or meanest centre forward the Poly have ever had, but without doubt the one that has had the biggest influence on the team over the longest of periods.

Originally he came to London to attend a college in south west London.  He joined the London University team not only for the cheap beer, but also the extended range of crisps and snacks they had on offer.  He was first introduced to the Poly via an old player Spyros Greekadoppolupas.  Although the team anticipated a huge centre forward called Reddic from Montenegro, the slight disappointment has been overshadowed by his continual support, direction and help over many years that has been pivotal in developing the team and returning it back to the elite of British Water Polo.

Not only has James been a great supporter of the Polytechnic, he has also transformed the BWPL with new electronic recording systems, automatic score sheets and online reporting of games that has taken a huge weight off the administration of the National Leagues.

Most know James for organising the present men’s team, but he was also instrumental in starting the Poly Women’s team in the 90’s and coaching them through their early stages, from members of the London League until they finally qualified and entered the Women’s National League.

Through the years his omnipresence has left many stories etched in the memories of those who relied on his support, as they were often required to get the wee man back to his lodgings after a night on the tiles.  I do not think there has been a trip abroad that James has not been involved in organising, as well as revelling in the camaraderie of the travelling players on tour.  A Poly trip of the time was not a true Poly tour if Mr Reddick was not present.  On his organisational skills, he almost single handedly arranges the annual Poly dinner, as well as all the current team’s travelling and accommodation needs throughout the season, as he has done for many years.

It is not surprising that over the years a few stories and idiosyncrasies have come to light during tours and travelling, and these are just a taste of the few:

  • The Caterpillar down a busy train on way back from BUSA finals

  • Getting arrested whilst preventing B. Hoy being arrested.

  • Dropping a full collection of complimentary toilet attendant’s perfumes at the doorman’s feet.

  • Team talk straight after a mushroom trip

  • His precision scales for measuring porridge quantities

  • His obsession with a crisp and beer dinner after training.

The long, tall and fairly short of it is, without James the club would not be where it is today.   He has been through the dark times, and has helped the Poly to shine once more in its present format.

All the best James

G Simons, May 2024


Phil Hallwood - President


Jeremy Sherman